UA-138578045-1 Metro 4 Tank Level Gauge System | Tank Level Gauge System Installation
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Metron 4 Tank Level Gauge System

West Fue Systems Limited

Metron 4 Tank Level Gauge Systems

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The Metron 4 is an award winning, flexible, reliable and affordable range of GSM/GPRS telemetry devices, developed and manufactured designed, by Powelectrics. Metron 4 connects thousands of different sensors to the internet, giving you secure web based data access through a simple web browser, visible on a computer, tablet or smartphone and it can alert you when defined thresholds are crossed or a state has changed. Thousands of Metron 4 devices are deployed globally, monitoring data from many sensors including flow, level, pressure, temperature, vibration, noise, wind speed & direction, humidity, pH, contamination etc. They are often used for tank level measurement and for condition monitoring, to give early warning of equipment failure and prevent costly stoppages.

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